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Strategic Planning Committee

  • Mendocino County Social Services - Big Sur Conference Room 747 South State Street Ukiah, CA, 95482 (map)

Charge of the Strategic Planning Committee: To assist the MCHSCoC Governing Board by making recommendations for the development and annual update of the Strategic Plan, the Governance Charter, the Continuum of Care Plan, and written standards for providing Continuum of Care assistance.

Meeting Location: Big Sur Room, 747 S. State Street, Ukiah, CA 95482

I. Introductions and Housekeeping

II. Public Comment on Non-Agendized Items – limited to 15 minutes, 3 minutes per person

III. Discussion: Reflection and overview of status and timeline of current Strategic Action Plan to Address Homelessness in Mendocino County

IV. Recommended Action: Committee decides on course of action –

1) review and update current Strategic Plan, or

2) develop a new Strategic Plan.

V. Discussion: Discuss and provide direction to staff on:

A. Future meetings

B. Facilitation of the action planning process

C. Additional stakeholders to include

D. Timeline for development

VI. Discussion: Set dates for future meetings.

VII. Adjourn


Strategic Plan Revision – as approved by MCHSCoC Board on 11.29.22